

Civic Engagement and Leadership Minor

students working on an assignment

The minor in civic engagement and leadership is for those wishing to become outstanding leaders and citizens. In addition to a general track, there is also an option tailored for ROTC students.

Students complete two foundation courses and then build a concentration focusing on topics such as politics and development, conflict resolution, for-profit and non-profit organizational leadership, and human relations.

View course requirements in the UA Undergraduate Catalog.

View requirements for the ROTC track.

Download the tracking sheet for the Civic Engagement and Leadership Minor.

Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies Minor

The interdisciplinary environmental studies minor (co-sponsored by the Department of Geography) acquaints students with current environmental problems and gives them the tools of analysis to identify causes and work toward solutions. This interdisciplinary minor draws on classes in the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural sciences. Many of these courses incorporate experiential field learning, providing hands-on opportunities.

View course requirements in the UA Undergraduate Catalog.

Download the tracking sheet for the interdisciplinary Environmental Studies Minor (PDF).

For more information, contact Dr. Michael Steinberg,

Natural Resources Management Minor

The natural resources management minor is a course of study for protecting the land, preserving wildlife and our environment, managing outdoor recreation, and preserving scenic beauty. This minor is available to students majoring in either the College of Arts & Sciences or the Culverhouse College of Commerce.

View course requirements in the UA Undergraduate Catalog.

For more information, visit the Natural Resources Management website, or contact Dr. Julia Cherry,

Student-Designed Minor

students practicing book-binding techniques in Honors Creativity

Non-New College students may create an interdisciplinary 21-hour minor that includes courses from at least two different disciplines. A proposal is required and must be approved by the New College Director.

Students interested in this minor should read the materials below carefully, and then contact the New College office to set up an appointment with Dr. Julia Cherry, New College Director.

Learn more about the student-designed minor in the UA Undergraduate Catalog.

Do you already have an idea for a minor?

Read the materials on the student-designed minor carefully before completing the Student-Designed Minor Form (Fillable PDF). Email the completed form to Mrs. Jennifer Kunz at, &, and if you haven’t previously met with Dr. Julia Cherry, you can request an appointment to discuss your proposal if need be.

Students may also attend one of the weekly info sessions with Dr. Cherry to learn more and have their general questions answered in person.

Student-Designed Minor Info Sessions

  • Mondays: 2:00pm
  • Tuesdays: 11:00am
  • Thursdays: 2:00pm

Info Sessions are usually held in person but can be held virtually.
Email to schedule.