
Update from New College student Matt Zeliff studying in Ghana

Hello Everyone,

First of all, I sincerely hope that ya’ll are doing well. This email is not short. 

Quick preface: IIE is helping me study abroad at the University of Ghana in West Africa. I’ve been studying Akan-Twi since the beginning of June. Asente-Twi is the exact language/dialect that I’m studying. Twi is understood by most people in Ghana, but English is still the official and administrative language that every ethnicity and tribe in Ghana is required to learn. No Language, No society. I’ll be in Ghana until the end of May. Now that I’m studying another language, I’ve learned many new transitions. Roll Tide.

Living Conditions: I live in an international student hostel on the campus of UG. My roommate is from South Korea and we get along well. I can’t explain it but I just instinctively trust the South Koreans and the girl from the UK more so than the group from China. Thankfully, it’s not serious. August is the very end of the rainy season, and its going to become very dry in Ghana over the next 7-8 months.